Who we are

Shannon & Rebecca Riley
Co-Senior Pastors of Riviera|cc.
In January 2019 Riviera|cc took the bold and progressive step in hiring Co-Senior Pastors to function and facilitate the next phase of growth in this thriving and influential Church that serves as a faith-based regional hub in East Gippsland.
Married since 2008, Shannon and Bec have a wide experience in pastoring and serving the local Church across multiple states and regions.
They are both passionate about seeing the Church healthy and strong and have committed their lives to the cause of building God’s Church.
We would love to be known for how
we championed other people, local businesses, education, sports and entertainment as well as those in
media and government. A community needs many facets, and the church is one of those. The door is always open at Riviera|cc.
Shannon has a dynamic pastoral and leadership gift matched with a passion for the local Church, and loves seeing people released into all Christ has for them. He is apostolic in nature, pioneering new pathways and initiatives. He enjoys serving our Region across various spheres of influence. Shannon has a knack for finding the gold in people and releasing them to reach their full potential.
Bec is a 3rd generation pastor with a prominent preaching and teaching strength that not only blesses but brings breakthrough and courage in any church setting. She leads with a desire to see each person find their place and become all they have been created to be, so they can live whole, but also so that more people can be reached with the love and truth of Jesus.
Beautiful Maya became Shannon & Bec's daughter in 2017, growing into a courageous, outgoing young girl (with a love of taking the stage!)
Bec and Shannon welcomed their second child, Isla in late 2022. With a smile that can light up the room, she is a joy to watch grow!
Their journey as a family is a testament to the power of God's love and grace, and the beauty of chosen family, showing that love knows no boundaries in God's kingdom.
Both Ps Bec and Shannon have a drive to see the kingdom of God advance and are constantly thinking of new and creative ways for the church to grow. They are steadfast in the knowledge God is doing new wonders each and every day.
In the last few years of Ps Shannon and Bec's appointment to leadership, Riviera|cc has seen exponential growth. From two church plants and starting Catalyst College to help people in their growth & knowledge, to hosting events such as our Carols and Easter service the whole community can be apart of, Ps Shannon and Bec have shown there creative and charismatic leadership in droves.
where we came from
Our Church has a rich history spanning over forty years. From the first gathering in 1941 to the establishment of the Church we see today in 1982, there is no doubt that our Church has been built under God’s grace and on the leadership, hard work, support, generosity, love, care and loyalty of literally thousands of people.
The establishment of Bairnsdale Christian Community School, which operates independently, was a stand-out initiative of the Church, and has blessed countless of families as it continues to impact the lives of young people.
As well as that, seeing the current facilities and building established is a story of God’s miraculous provision and the sacrificial giving of generous people.
Our Church continues to disciple people, give honour to Jesus, and love our community, as we expand our reach and influence through local, regional and international initiatives.
It has been the Pastors, the leaders, and the army of volunteers who have served faithfully over the course of over 40 years who have made our Church all that it is today, including two much loved women who were there on the first day and still serve in leadership to this day: Bev Campbell and Elsie Johnston.
We honour and build on the shoulders of those who have gone before and together look forward to a bright and blessed future.